Blog: Services

Heartworm Testing

Heartworms are parasites that can live inside your pet. The disease is mostly seen in canine friends, though it is possible for cats to get infected. Mosquitoes carrying larvae bite your pet and pass on the worms. The worms mature inside your pet and can grow up to foot long,…

Euthanasia Services for Pets

When it’s time for your pet to pass on, our team is here to help you through the process. All the years that you spent creating a unique bond of happiness and friendship with your loyal companion make it incredibly difficult to make this decision. As animal lovers, we understand…

Deworming Services for Pets

The worms that can infect your pet are very dangerous. Worms can live inside your pet and wreak havoc, affecting important organs like the heart and lungs. Even if your pet stays indoors they still need to be protected from worms. To ensure your loyal companion stays in good health,…

Dermatology Services for Pets

The skin is the largest part of your pet’s body. It is constantly exposed to irritants and parasites which can cause serious health problems. What’s more, other illnesses like diabetes can cause skin problems to occur, adding to your pet’s discomfort. This is why proper skin care is important, once…